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Part Finder - WP SUSPENSION - 2024 - Federbein KTM 890 Adventure R Rally - SHOCK BODY


Please note: that parts quantities shown on parts diagrams are the quantity of that part that exists on the bike, Not the quantity that we have in stock. Please click on the parts individually to check stock availability, thank you.
Please note: that pricing shown is individual/single per item pricing only unless otherwise indicated in part description.
Ref Part Number Description Part/Desc
17S80 98 200 050 0020Spring (59) 89-220.0 shock whiteS80 98 200 050 0020Spring (59) 89-220.0 shock white
17910 10 401Main spring (59) 92-220.0 shock white910 10 401Main spring (59) 92-220.0 shock white
17910 10 402SMain spring (59) 95-220.0 shock white910 10 402SMain spring (59) 95-220.0 shock white
17910 10 403Main spring (59) 98-220.0 shock white910 10 403Main spring (59) 98-220.0 shock white
17910 10 404Main spring (59) 101-220.0 shock white910 10 404Main spring (59) 101-220.0 shock white
Ref Part Number Description Part, Description # On Img # Cart $ Each Notes
1 S45 46 200 01S 0001 Top part M54x1 h48.5 cmpl. S45 46 200 01S 0001Top part M54x1 h48.5 cmpl.1 on diagram x1 834.00
2 501 81 363S1 Compression, cmpl. 501 81 363S1Compression, cmpl.1 on diagram x1 428.00
3 501 81 362S6 DCC cpl. 501 81 362S6DCC cpl.1 on diagram x1 451.00
5 501 80 095 HS cylinder-head screw R1/8 l8 501 80 095HS cylinder-head screw R1/8 l81 on diagram x1 11.00
6 461 80 014 O-ring 41x5 Viton75 461 80 014O-ring 41x5 Viton751 on diagram x1 9.00
7 461 80 002 Piston 52mm reservoir 461 80 002Piston 52mm reservoir1 on diagram x1 78.00
8 461 80 015 Pistonring 47,5x50,5x3,9 461 80 015Pistonring 47,5x50,5x3,91 on diagram x1 34.00
9 461 81 477 Reservoir 52x99 M58x1/M54x1 461 81 477Reservoir 52x99 M58x1/M54x11 on diagram x1 173.00
10 461 80 017 O-ring 50x2 NBR70 siliconized 461 80 017O-ring 50x2 NBR70 siliconized1 on diagram x1 4.00
11 461 81 478 Screw cap M54x1 461 81 478Screw cap M54x11 on diagram x1 92.00
12 S20 86 000 030 00FB O-ring 5,28x1,78 HNBR70 red S20 86 000 030 00FBO-ring 5,28x1,78 HNBR70 red1 on diagram x1 3.00
13 361 20 151ST PLUG SCREW M5X6 CPL. 361 20 151STPLUG SCREW M5X6 CPL.1 on diagram x1 10.00
14 461 81 479 Tube 46x170 natural 461 81 479Tube 46x170 natural1 on diagram x1 591.00
15 180 03 S62 PA cpl. KTM Adv. 790 R 180 03 S62PA cpl. KTM Adv. 790 R1 on diagram x1 266.00
16 501 80 410 Washer 58,6x73,6x1,5 501 80 410Washer 58,6x73,6x1,52 on diagram x2 6.00
17 S80 98 200 050 0020 Spring (59) 89-220.0 shock white S80 98 200 050 0020Spring (59) 89-220.0 shock white0 on diagram x0 187.00
17 910 10 401 Main spring (59) 92-220.0 shock white 910 10 401Main spring (59) 92-220.0 shock white1 on diagram x1 187.00
17 910 10 402S Main spring (59) 95-220.0 shock white 910 10 402SMain spring (59) 95-220.0 shock white0 on diagram x0 187.00
17 910 10 403 Main spring (59) 98-220.0 shock white 910 10 403Main spring (59) 98-220.0 shock white0 on diagram x0 187.00
17 910 10 404 Main spring (59) 101-220.0 shock white 910 10 404Main spring (59) 101-220.0 shock white0 on diagram x0 187.00
18 461 81 534 Spring retainer 58,1x73,6x16 461 81 534Spring retainer 58,1x73,6x161 on diagram x1 55.00
19 501 80 231 Round-wire snap ring 55,5x2 501 80 231Round-wire snap ring 55,5x21 on diagram x1 7.00

S45 46 200 01S 0001 - Top part M54x1 h48.5 cmpl.

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    S45 46 200 01S 0001
  • Description

    Top part M54x1 h48.5 cmpl.
This part is not available for sale.

501 81 363S1 - Compression, cmpl.

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    501 81 363S1
  • Description

    Compression, cmpl.
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

501 81 362S6 - DCC cpl.

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    501 81 362S6
  • Description

    DCC cpl.
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

501 80 095 - HS cylinder-head screw R1/8 l8

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    501 80 095
  • Description

    HS cylinder-head screw R1/8 l8
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

461 80 014 - O-ring 41x5 Viton75

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    461 80 014
  • Description

    O-ring 41x5 Viton75
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

461 80 002 - Piston 52mm reservoir

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    461 80 002
  • Description

    Piston 52mm reservoir
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

461 80 015 - Pistonring 47,5x50,5x3,9

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    461 80 015
  • Description

    Pistonring 47,5x50,5x3,9
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

461 81 477 - Reservoir 52x99 M58x1/M54x1

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    461 81 477
  • Description

    Reservoir 52x99 M58x1/M54x1
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

461 80 017 - O-ring 50x2 NBR70 siliconized

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    461 80 017
  • Description

    O-ring 50x2 NBR70 siliconized
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

461 81 478 - Screw cap M54x1

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    461 81 478
  • Description

    Screw cap M54x1
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

S20 86 000 030 00FB - O-ring 5,28x1,78 HNBR70 red

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    S20 86 000 030 00FB
  • Description

    O-ring 5,28x1,78 HNBR70 red
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

361 20 151ST - PLUG SCREW M5X6 CPL.

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    361 20 151ST
  • Description

  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

461 81 479 - Tube 46x170 natural

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    461 81 479
  • Description

    Tube 46x170 natural
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

180 03 S62 - PA cpl. KTM Adv. 790 R

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    180 03 S62
  • Description

    PA cpl. KTM Adv. 790 R
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

501 80 410 - Washer 58,6x73,6x1,5

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    501 80 410
  • Description

    Washer 58,6x73,6x1,5
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

S80 98 200 050 0020 - Spring (59) 89-220.0 shock white

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    S80 98 200 050 0020
  • Description

    Spring (59) 89-220.0 shock white
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

910 10 401 - Main spring (59) 92-220.0 shock white

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    910 10 401
  • Description

    Main spring (59) 92-220.0 shock white
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

910 10 402S - Main spring (59) 95-220.0 shock white

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    910 10 402S
  • Description

    Main spring (59) 95-220.0 shock white
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

910 10 403 - Main spring (59) 98-220.0 shock white

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    910 10 403
  • Description

    Main spring (59) 98-220.0 shock white
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

910 10 404 - Main spring (59) 101-220.0 shock white

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    910 10 404
  • Description

    Main spring (59) 101-220.0 shock white
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

461 81 534 - Spring retainer 58,1x73,6x16

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    461 81 534
  • Description

    Spring retainer 58,1x73,6x16
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

501 80 231 - Round-wire snap ring 55,5x2

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    501 80 231
  • Description

    Round-wire snap ring 55,5x2
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change